We invite you to join our community wide scavenger hunt meant to promote positivity and kindness. Make someone's day in the form of a hand-painted rock decorated with a rainbow, friendly face or an inspirational message. Then, leave your painted stone somewhere in The Cove Community (think sidewalks, gardens, under a tree, etc.) for your neighbors to hunt and find. You never know how your painted rock might be just the message your neighbor is needing at that moment or how it may unexpectedly brighten their day, like this pride painted rock.
Guidelines and Etiquette:
ROCKS: Find a rock you want to paint. Make sure it’s dry before you start painting (Crown Hill Stone Supply and Van Winden's Landscape have loose rocks for purchase. Amazon & Home Depot carry bags of rocks as well).
PAINT: Use acrylic paint you can find online on Amazon, Walmart, Target, etc. (Some favorite brands are Apple Barrel and Delta Color).
TAG. Add #TheCoveTogether to your rock.
FINISH: Seal it with clear spray (favorite brands are Krylon or Rustoleum).
SET IT FREE: Hide your rock around the property!
SHARE: You can send a picture to community@thecoveattiburon.com to give hints (don’t forget to tag #TheCoveTogether).
For inspiration, please see this rainbow rock painting tutorial. Thanks for joining us and get ready to have some fun!