Thursday, October 17 | 6-8:30pm | The Cove Clubhouse
The M Factor:
Shredding the Silence on Menopause
You are invited to The M Factor: Shredding the Silence on Menopause!
Join us for an engaging event where we break the taboo around menopause.
Our panel of experts will share insights, tips, and personal stories
to help you navigate this stage of life with confidence.
6-6:30pm Reception
6:30-7:30 Screening
7:30-8:30 Conversation
Lizellen La Follette, MD,
is a globally recognized OB-GYN, a leader, an Educator and a Researcher
focused on comprehensive healthcare for Women before,
during & after Menopause.
Rachel Gelman, PT, DPT, CSC,
has a Doctorate in Physical Therapy, with a passion for Pelvic Health
and Rehabilitation.
Elizabeth Dell,
Content Creator, CEO/Founder of - a game app
that Sparks Romance and Deepens Intimacy
Jen Marples,
Champion of MidLife Women, Podcast Host,
and Leader of the "You're Not Too F***ing Old! Movement.