
Mental wellNESS assistance



We have arranged for 3 months of free access to mental wellness services with Concern,  a leading company providing counseling services and cutting-edge wellness tools for Bay Area companies for over 30 years. Their mental health providers are experts in caring and confidential crisis counseling. 

Concern is extending their services (which are normally sourced by companies for their employees) to our entire resident community for 3 months. All pre-paid, and free of charge to you. And all 100% confidential. You are welcome to take advantage of up to three 45-minute individual therapy sessions (via video or telephone) with a counselor specifically matched to you based on your needs. This includes text message follow ups, and unlimited access to self-help and life balance resources on the wellness portal.


About Concern


Concern offers Employee Assistance Programs for companies to provide as a benefit to their employees to promote their emotional well-being. Their trained counselors are available 24 hours a day, every day.

We engaged them to offer some of their services to our community for the next three months, accessible through their Luma website. When you log in to Luma, you may notice the term ‘employees’ - this is because it’s normally an employee program. But note that for the next three months it applies to you as a resident too.

Available Services



Up to three confidential 45-minute therapy sessions with a skilled Concern counselor, including text follow ups as well. Concern will provide assessment, crisis intervention, referrals, and confidential short-term counseling for help with personal issues such as:

  • Difficulty with relationships

  • Emotional distress

  • Job (or loss of job) stress

  • Loss and death

  • Communication / conflict issues

  • Alcohol or drug problems



You also have unlimited access to their rich library of tools, apps, resources to help you thrive.


How to Get Started

Our owner, Maximus, has arranged for this free service, so you will log in via the ‘Maximus’ account. Maximus will not have access to any of your information.

  • Go to and click on “Login”

  • On the Login Page, select “Employee” and enter “Maximus” as the company code. This brings you to a welcome screen for Luma, Concern’s service hub

  • Click on ‘Try Luma Today’.  And then click on ‘Let’s Get Started’.

  • You will be asked to provide a few details:

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  • Maximus Real Estate Partners LTD should already be entered.  Select your location and that you’re a Member.

  • Add your information, agree to terms and conditions, and register.  Maximus will not have access to this information.

  • When registered, Concern will send you an email to verify your account. Check your email, and click on the ‘Confirm My Email’ button

  • This will take you to Concern’s Luma dashboard.

  • From here you may use unlimited self help, life balance resources.  Click on one of the Circles under “Let us provide the help you need” to engage in counseling sessions.

Email if you have questions about the log-in process.

Call 800-344-4222 with any other questions about the Concern program.


You have access to Concern mental wellness services until July 23, 2020. Remember, all communications with Concern are 100% confidential. Neither Maximus nor The Cove will have access to anything related to your engagement with Concern.


Be Well.