Day 9 | Envision
In order to reach your goals you nurture them on a daily basis through the application of empowering thoughts, words and actions.
Each and every day take one step to support your ambition including visualizing those goals.
Place symbolism and written affirmations and intentions throughout your space to remind you of your path.
Be specific in asking for what you choose to embrace while remaining open to the alternatives that the Universe may provide.
Presence Pause:
Visualize your goal from start to finish. Fill in every detail. Envision yourself exactly as you choose to be, exactly as you choose others to accept you. Fulfilled in your own right, doing that which you love, giving love freely and accepting love from those you care for. Glow in your own consciousness. Step into your power. Envision yourself content, assertive, organized, with exactly what you choose to embrace every step of the way. Surround yourself with this vision. Choose the color that most supports this vision and surround yourself with that color every time you might waiver, or require reassurance that all is as it should be in this moment and in every moment in time and space.
Devise a 15 day plan that maps out what action you will take on a daily basis to manifest one goal.