Day 29 | Making Scent’s of Life


Smell is directly tied to the emotion-processing area of the brain.

In fact, 75% of emotions are generated by smell according to a Millward Brown study.

In 2004, Nobel Prize winning research proved the link between the sense of smell and memory.

The response to scent is so strong that it can alter moods, alleviate symptoms—even increase productivity.

Just think what it can do for your daily presence pause.

Children are instantly comforted when they recognize their Mother’s scent.

Pheromones help us recognize our lovers.

Scents of real Grapefruit, Rosemary, Lemon, Mandarin & Peppermint Scents increase production of Beta Waves –which indicate mental alertness & feelings of wellbeing.

Chamomile, Clary Sage, Lavender & Sandalwood yield relaxed states or : Alpha, Theta and Delta Brain Waves.

Presence Pause: 

There's an old saying you've probably heard many times…, “stop and smell the roses every day.”

It's a wonderful way to say, “be present with yourself and your surroundings.”

It’s a reminder to slow down, to look for, enjoy and appreciate the beauty of life, and to take a moment to simply breathe, be, and reconnect with the energy of loving your life in the present.


Just for this moment, notice how it feels to simply stop to smell roses, or in other words, pause…

Quiet your mind, step back from distractions and focus your awareness inward where you are able to truly accept, love and honor yourself exactly as you are now…

You then create an opening, where you can look for and see the light, blessings and silver linings that are available.

When you do, your personal energy shifts , your body relaxes and your brain chemistry moves into a responsive and creative state.

Try this with and without scents to explore how you can reset and reboot your amazing brain bio-computers with presence and scent.

Andrew Hull