Day 27 | Yoga
Did you know your mind can make you age faster? True, thinking you're old makes you age at warp speed.
But there's more…
Scientists from the Netherlands found that "depression is associated with several years of biologic aging." Feeling down ups your senility.
They also discovered that certain interventions associated with anti-depression, could potentially "reverse or halt this hyper-aging process in depressed individuals."
Like meditation, pranayama (breathing techniques) and YOGA.
Presence Pause:
Consider the simplicity of how simple practices like yoga, pranayama and playing can make you younger.
All support and enhance calm mental states and improve sleep…
A new study found that yoga only twice a week improved sleep quality significantly--and the subjects were all over 50.
“The yoga group demonstrated significant improvements in sleep latency, sleep duration, sleep efficiency, subjective sleep quality and daytime dysfunction during the intervention period." (Journal of Clinical Oncology; Aug. 2013)
Consider how better sleep equals a healthier, more energetic, leaner you--and less depression and aging too. Yoga can even burn more fat and calories than running, WOW!
Just for one day become present with every move you make. Begin in the morning. Notice your posture when you sit as you enjoy your breakfast. Notice how food digests with greater ease when you align your spine.
Before you arise from your chair, turn gently to the right from your waist line and take a deep breath in . Follow suit on the left.
Notice how you get up from your chair and move with presence and breathe.
Make a game of this presence process through out the day and commit to moving with the grace of a yogi, breathing with mindfulness and playing with your body’s innate intelligence as your lead.
Then, try one of our amazing online yoga classes and come to know youngevity!